The cold winter season can be a great time to enjoy your spa. Read about some ideas to help properly maintain it during this time or how to completely winterise your spa if you choose not to use it during the winter months.
Canadian Spa Company covers are proudly manufactured in North America and are designed to withstand the harshest Canadian winters. Here are 7 reasons why you should choose Canadian Spa covers for your hot tub.
Canadian Spa Company offer Spa servicing and repairs on all makes and models of hot tubs and Swim spas. Have a look at our Maintenance Packages to find the one for you.
When you purchased your hot tub you may have noticed that it came equipped with an “Ozone Generator” but may be unsure as to how it functions or what it does.
If your hot tub is experiencing circulation issues or is showing either dr or HH, you may have a large pocket of air trapped within your pipework (plumbing). This reduces the circulation of the hot tub as water isn’t allowed to properly flow through the heater and is known as an “airlock”.
Hot tub water may freeze up in extreme cold weather if there is loss of power to the spa or spa has been drained down but pipes not cleared of excess water. Freezing pipes can result in pipes/component damage so it is important to thaw the ice and empty the spa as soon as possible until an experienced spa engineer can visit to repair.